This website contains depictions of sexual acts of boys with men. If this content offends you or it is illegal for you to read such content, leave the website. If you are too young, leave the website. All places and characters depicted in these stories are purely fictional and are not based on real places or people; similarities to real places and people are purely coincidental and not intended. Never abuse children in real life!!!



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"#lovewinsout #gaymarriage" and all that shit, but let’s forget there are still serious racial issues that our country needs to deal with. Every day there are little white whores who, unfortunately, have not been allowed to explore their natural connection to and obsession with black dick. At the same time, there are many black men who are unaware how willing so many young boys would be to accept their god-given superior cocks.

Don’t allow this small victory against hatred distract you from these facts. We still have a long way to go, but I share a dream with Martin Luther King Jr. - “Someday, little white boys will be holding hands with obscenely long, oozing negro cocks.”


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